Friday, November 24, 2006

Banner Month!!!

Thirst Relief International received more donations this past month than in any month past! Besides the original start up donations that we received. We are still using 100% of every donation for nothing more than providing safe water to those who need it most.

With our current available resources alone (ground workers, distributors, filter builders etc.) we could utilize up to $75k a month and that's without expanding beyond Brazil, Zambia and Guatamala.

Last year we ask you to believe in a vision. This year we ask you to build upon reality. We need more funding to be able to save more lives.

Even $5 gifts can do unimaginable good when combined with other $5 gifts. Consider that 10 people donating $5 equals a $50 filter that saves 10-20 lives!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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