Saturday, July 15, 2006

This Month's Donor Spotlight Is Focused on Mike Colon.

Read the following text from Mike's blog and see how creative he's getting in helping to raise funds for Thirst Relief International!

Mike Colón Blog
Welcome to my personal web journal. Established 12-01-05
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hey Everyone! Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a couple weeks! I've been working hard, shooting, and spending time with my family. Life is good! God is good!I just now opened up my newsletter from Thirst Relief International and read about all of the cool things that are happening. I'm so excited that things are going so well and so many lives are being saved! I'm thinking about doing a photo expedition workshop to Brazil to raise funds for Thirst. It would be very different from your typical posh newport beach Mike Colon workshop. We would be roughing it on a large boat out in the middle of the amazon jungle sleeping on hammocks and fishing for our food. Totally adventurous and not entirely safe, but a guaranteed life-changing experience. 100% of the proceeds would go to Thirst. If you are crazy enough, and seriously interested, contact me at, for every $25 you donate to Thirst, I will put your name in a drawing to win one of many cool Tamrac and Epson prizes including bags, accessories and an Epson P4000! For example, if you donate $100 to Thirst, you will have 4 tickets entered in the drawing. Just email your donation receipts to The drawing will be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. I will be accepting entries starting now through the end of this month.***CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW AND SAVE LIVES!***

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