Thursday, July 20, 2006

People ask us all the time . . . "How can I get involved and help out?" Well, there are many creative ways that you can help. We'll actually be focusing on one creative donor a month such as Mike Colon who has created a raffle system for cool products for photographers. (you can read about this below.) Anyway, Recently someone named Nathania contacted us and wanted to get involved. I thought I'd post our VP's response and let others of you know how you can too. Of course we welcome other ideas such as Mike's and others but this is the easiest way to get involved! However you get involved even if it's a $5 a month donation we are blessed to have you on board as part of the Thirst Relief International team.

As I write this there are men and women working diligently in remote regions of the world producing bio-sand water filters and drilling wells for some of the most needy people on earth!

What a joy to be a part of this exciting venture. Enjoy Greg's response.

Jim Hicks
Thirst Relief International


Thanks for your interest in Thirst Relief International and willingness to get involved. We are a 100% volunteer run organization, so we can definitely use your help! In fact, it's people like you with a heart for our cause that really make things happen. Your timing is perfect, as we have just started to enlist volunteers for our grassroots marketing campaign "GET INVOLVED...GET THE WORD OUT!" to help spread the word about Thirst Relief and the drinking water crisis plaguing 1.1 billion people worldwide. The attached Word document gives the details on how it works. In a nutshell, we provide you with a "Partner Packet" consisting of a 4 minute informational DVD, brochures, FAQs sheet, and interest sign-up sheet. Then you gather friends and family and run through the Partner Packet materials to raise awareness of who we are and what we do.

Also, we are encouraging volunteers to come up with other creative ways to help spread the word and raise funds. For example, one of our volunteers from Atlanta, Georgia is holding a "charity party" for the singles group at her church. Everyone gives a $10 donation to Thirst Relief as a "cover charge". In addition, she asked area businesses to donate items for an auction with all proceeds going to Thirst Relief. Link to our blog from the Thirst Relief website to see how others are getting creative with their Thirst Relief fundraising efforts.

Let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to partnering with you in our efforts to save the lives of millions who are literally dying of thirst.


Greg Gibbs
Vice President & COO
Thirst Relief International

If you'd like to sign up for one of these partner packets or have a creative way to get involved just write us at and let us know!

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