Friday, August 04, 2006

And the winners are . . . . . .

From Mike Colon's blog:

Thursday, August 03, 2006

So just to recap on the rules of the game... anyone who donated $25 or more to Thirst Relief International was entered into a drawing to win cool Epson and Tamrac prizes. Below are the results of the drawing!
And the winners are.....
Grand Prize: Jim Cook - Epson P400
Second Prize: Nina Sutherland - Tamrac Travel Pack 71
Third Prize: Detrick Branston - Tamrac Velocity4 Micro Sling PakFourth Prize: Fabio Monteiro - Tamrac MX-S5369 - Memory & Battery Management Wallet 8Thank you to everyone who gave generously! For those that did not win a prize this time, your donation was not in vain! Together we raised enough money to save the lives of over 100 children! I want to give a special thanks to the folks over at Thirst Relief International for always using 100% of the money donated for the cause of providing pure water for those who need it most!
posted by Mike Colón at 11:30 PM 6 comments

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