Friday, August 11, 2006

New Informational Video Online

Thirst Relief Videos• Thirst Relief promo video• Thirst Relief Informative DVD• Alive Festival 2006 Video Ad• Amazon Trip - February, 2006

Our new 4 min informational dvd is now available online. A huge thanks to David Jay for capturing the video from Brazil, SHIP for providing the Africa footage, and to Curtis Heyne of Living Cinema for putting this video together in a crunch time situation!!

Enjoy and spread the word. It's our goal to have everyone who ever hears about Thirst to simply get online and make a reoccuring $5 a month donation! If everyone did that we could do unimaginable good!

Thanks so much to all who have and are continuing to give to such a worthy cause.


Jim Hicks, President
Thirst Relief International

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