Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It's been way tooooooo long since the last Thirst Relief International blog update. But here we go!

There have been all kinds of exciting things happen in the last few months and if you'd like to learn more about them please send an e-mail to info@thirstrelief.org with NEWSLETTER in the subject line and we'll add you to the list!

Also, anyone who makes a $50 donation to Thirst Relief International in the next 2 weeks (ending on Nov. 7) will be eligible for a drawing to receive a free copy of Davis Tools ActionRunner, the first and fastest of it's kind in digital image editing! ($350 value) click here to learn more about ActionRunner. If this is of interest to you please send a copy of your online receipt to info@davisphotographer.com The winner will be announced on this blog and at www.davisphotographer.blogspot.com on Nov. 8th.

See you soon.

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