Tuesday, December 19, 2006

As the President of Thirst I stand in awe of the year end giving! I'm like a kid on Christmas! I can hardly wait to see all the year end gifts that I know will save so many lives! Thanks so much to donors like Mike Colon, Gary Fong and so many others we'll probably be starting a new water project in Indonesia this May! If we do and I'm 98% positive we will I'll be traveling to Indonesia with Richie Bouthilier our Brazil water project leader to set up, train and kick off the new project in Indonesia! I'm so excited about it!

For real, even though I mention the big names of a Colon or Fong there are many, many others that are making $5, $10, $50 donations monthly that saves lives. For real, 100% of all we raise does just that, it saves lives!

Thank you to all for your generous support and have a wonderful Christmas season and a Happy New Year!

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