Thursday, December 21, 2006

Widespread Donations

In planning for tonights board meeting for Thirst I wanted to encourage our volunteer staff with just a few of the facts that make it obvious what an incredible difference our efforts are making on the earth. So, I decided to check out how far we've spread as far as being known throughout the U.S. In less than one year we've received donations from CT, OH, CA, AZ, WA, IN, NC, UT, GA, OR, IL, MO, AL, MN, PA, KY, FL, D.C., TX, CO, NV, VA and just today HI! By far our greatest support is concentrated in CA and OH because of our headquarters here in OH and also our strong partners in CA. Recently are Brazil water project manager was visiting his family in Canada and he told us "We have to establish ourselves as a Canadian approved non-profit, there are sooooo many people up here that want to get involved in what we are doing." So we'll be making an effort to get set up in Canada too.

Wherever your from, thank you for thinking about, praying for and giving to Thirst Relief International. Your dollars are truly saving lives!

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