Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I just received an e-mail from our partners in Zambia. It seems that the rains this year are extremely heavy, and the place where we have done a lot of work, Chipulukusu, is really suffering right now because many homes are collapsing as a result of the rains. Another problem that occurs with excessive rains is that the latrines flood over and contaminate the water table. Because we are already doing bio sand filters in the area, the community leaders have asked us to install the bio sand filters we have on hand to help with this crisis. So we will be installing 100 bio sand filters this month.

Our normal monthly distribution of bio sand filters is 30 a month, but the need is so great and immediate that we are giving this village all the filters we have and more.

$5, $10, $20, $50 donations will make a huge impact right now! If you can at all afford to give please do!!!


Jim Davis-Hicks
President and CEO
Thirst Relief International

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